في نسخة هذا العام من المؤتمر الدولي للعلوم والتكنولوجيا، نستضيف متحدثين ومشاركين ومشرفين من أكثر من 20 دولة حول العالم يمثلون مختلف الصناعات والاهتمامات ومجالات العمل ومجالات الخبرة. وفيما يلي المتحدثون المؤكدون حتى الآن.
المتحدثون في مؤتمر ICST 2020
قائمة المتحدثين المشهورين

CA Sanjeev Singhal

CA Singhal is a Fellow Chartered Accountant with 20 years of experience and is currently working as Partner, S R Batliboi & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants. He earned his PhD in International Finance from Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi Unniversity. He has published over 14 books through many leading publishers and several research papers in leading journals and ICAI publications. He has also held many honorary positions like that of a Government Nominee at NACAS, Co-opted Member of various organizations and member of committees of CII. He has addressed more than 800 seminars on accounting standards, Ind AS, IFRS, IPSAS, revised Schedule VI, Schedule II, Companies Act,2013, Auditing Standards, etc. across India, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangkok, Dubai. etc. He also has numerous awards to his credit like the CA Professional Achiever Award 2014 for outstanding contribution to industry, NIRC Best Faculty Award and Gold Medal for being Delhi University Topper. He has also contributed to various social causes.

Somesh Dasgupta

Mr. Somesh Dasgupta is in the industry for the last 35 years . Presently he is the WholeTime Director of the company and also the Corporate Compliance Responsibility Officer of the group.
Mr. Dasgupta is the Vice President of Indian Sub Continent of Asia Pacific Human Resource Management (APFHRM).He is holding the position of the Chairperson of the Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industries – People Management Committee, member of West Bengal Labour Welfare Board, member of the Governing Body of the State Labour Institute,kolkata, He is the Chairman of Energy & Power Committee of Assocham,Regional Council.
Mr. Dasgupta is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering and Post Graduate in Human Resource Management. He obtained a Certificate in Total Quality Management from BITS, Sweden.

Sourabh Datta Gupta

A Kolkata based Cost Accountant and Company Secretary, Sourabh is a keen oserver and commentator of market and economy. Currently Sourabh is holding the post of Company Secretary of West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation. He is also an avid traveller and has travelled to 25 countries across 4 continents. His travels have taken him to the wilderness areas of Eastern Africa and South America as also the nook and cranny of India. He is a backpacker in spirit and wants to feel the place by walking and talking to locals and staying in their houses rather than in hotels. Sourabh often travels solo. He aims to see at least 150 countries in his lifetime.

Ashok Chakravorty

Ashok Chakravorty is a very passionate trainer. He specializes in the areas of Human Resources Development, Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility. He commenced his service journey with a 5 - year stint with TATA STEEL and after having worked for over 3 decades in the HR Function of NTPC, India’s largest Power producer, at its various locations across the country, he carries with him the wherewithal of training & skilling in almost every facet of Human Resources Management. His rich experience in all aspects of Corporate-Community engagements makes him a sought after person in the area of CSR.

DSc. PhD. Eng. Grzegorz Sierpiński, prof. SUT

He is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology. He is also the Head of Department of Transport Systems and Traffic Engineering and Rector's Proxy for the Priority Research Area: Smart Cities and Future Mobility. He is the author and co-author of over 230 publications, including articles in scientific journals and chapters in monographs at home and abroad. Scientific editor of several monographs. He has conducted scientific and research works. In his scientific interests, he combines the problems of road traffic engineering (including traffic analysis and forecasting, modeling of transport systems and optimization of transport networks) with shaping travel behaviors in cities.

DSc. PhD. Eng. Marcin Staniek, prof. SUT

He is Associate Professor as well as Vice Dean for General Affairs at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of Silesian University of Technology. He is the author and co-author of more than 100 articles, including articles in scientific journals and chapters in monographs. He has conducted many scientific and research works, manager of international project within the scope: Sustainable logistic and supply chains in ERA-NET Transport Programme.
His research interests include modelling and optimization of transport systems, signal processing and applying of neural network in the area of transport infrastructure monitoring, as well as in the field of travelling comfort.

Dr Yelena V. Muzykina

She is a practitioner and educator and has ample experience in a variety of different fields like the banking sector, private and international business, trade and bidding. For the last 16 years, her occupation is directly linked with Humanities and Social Science. She holds two doctoral degrees in Islamic Studies and Social Philosophy. Her latest research interests include Postnormal Times, Futures Studies, and Comparative Theology. Dr. Yelena has published a few books and some articles and chapters in Russian and English. She uses an interdisciplinary approach in her research projects. Being a passionate traveler and an explorer of arts, Yelena finds time for less adventurous but also fascinating activities such as the translation of books on different topics into Russian.

Petra Rožman

Editor-in-Chief of a luxury Croatian travel magazine PLACE2GO and a Public Relations Coordinator for International Tourism Fair PLACE2GO, Petra is an experienced journalist with a passion for travel photography and creative writing. She has graduated print journalism and public relations at the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb, Croatia and she has been working as a travel journalist most of her career. Throughout her work she has visited significant number of destinations around the world, wrote numerous reportages, articles, interviews, features and reviews, and participated in world known travel fairs such as IPW USA and World Travel Market in London.

Dr. Samanta Lal Sen

Dr. Sen is the Coordinator at Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery and involved in burn and plastic surgery projects all over Bangladesh. He has played an active role in building the Institute. Post independence, the country’s first Burn and plastic surgery unit was started at Suhrawardy Hospital on the initiative of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wherein Dr. Sen began his career as a medical officer. Since then he has a long experience. He has struggled for the cause of proper medical treatment for burn patients for the last 40 years. He has also played an active role in the prevention of Acid attacks and is currently holding the position of Trustee of the Board of Acid Survivor Foundation in the country. He is also the Founder and Program Manager of the first mobile Cleft lip program at the government level and the district and sub district level. Dr. Sen also has working experience in various hospitals in burn and plastic surgery in USA and Germany.

Dr. Arunaloke Bhattacharyya

Dr. Arunaloke Bhattacharyya is a visiting pediatrician and Associate Professor at the Institute of Child Health, Kolkata. For the last 25 years he has been attached to this non profit pediatric hospital, a first of its kind in India, which caters to the children of middle class society. He is also doing his private practice for the last 30 years. He has publications in several national and some international journals. He also has experience of conducting medical quizzes. He is interested in travel and passionate about amateur photography.

CS Ashish Garg

He is the President of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). A Fellow Member of ICSI, a Post Graduate in Economics and Commerce and a Graduate in Law (L.LB.), he was a nominated member at the Cost Accounting Standards Board of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India and a nominated Director on the Board of ICSI Institute of Insolvency Professionals. He has also chaired several in-house Committees of the ICSI. He has over 19 years of experience in Corporate Laws, organizational restructuring and corporate legal counseling to companies and has been a speaker at conferences and seminars of various professional institutes in India and abroad. He has authored number of Articles for magazines and newspapers. He has extensively travelled across length and breadth of India and visited 5 continents of the world.

Dr Nimit Chowdhary

Professor and Head
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University)
New Delhi

Prof. Asish K Bhattacharyya

Prof. Asish K Bhattacharyya is the Founder of Nonlinear Insights, which operates in the space of online executive education. Recently he retired as the Director of the Institute of Management Technology (IMT) Ghaziabad. He has been a Professor in IIM Calcutta, SPJIMR Mumbai and IICA (Manesar, Gurugram) and held the position of Technical Director in the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountant (UK). He obtained his doctor degree (D.Phil) from Allahabad University. management accounting and corporate governance. He writes regularly in Business Standard on corporate governance issues.

Prof. MA Sofique

Dr Sofique graduated from the Visva Bharati University of Santiniketan. He gained his Master in Tourism Administration from APS University, Rewa and PhD from University of Burdwan, WB. He was invited to speak in different academic assignments in Melbourne, Istanbul, Bangkok, Moscow, Rajshahi and Colombo. He has been teaching tourism related subjects in more than 10 Indian universities. He has also served as an External Examiner for APS University, BHU, Aligarh Muslim University, Kalyani and Vidya Sagar University.
He has been involved in teaching, advising and developing distance learning material for two universities. He played a critical role to the development of the MBA in Tourism and BBA in Tourism & Hospitality at the University. Dr. Sofique’s first book was published from Scholars Press, Europe. Dr Sofique also served in North Eastern Hill University, Shillong as Associate Professor. Presently he is working as an Associate Professor in the department of Tourism Management, University of Burdwan, WB.

Ei Kyawt Khaing

Ei Kyawt Khaing, (Miss Myanmar World 2017), is a social media influencer, travel and lifestyle blogger and YouTuber. She was working for Korea International Cooperation Agency and British Council Myanmar for 5 years before joining the beauty pageant. She represented Myanmar at the Miss World Competition in China in 2017, amongst contestants from 120 countries. She loves to explore different cultures, places and food and experience backpacking and outdoor adventures. She has a travel blog on Facebook named 'Travelholic Diary' wherein she shares her travel experiences and outdoor adventures in Myanmar and other Asian Countries. She has been a Brand Ambassador at Eden Ministry, NGO to protect human trafficking in Myanmar and a Brand Ambassador at Air Asia Thailand in 2017. She has also done modeling for clothing brands and local companies. She has 50k+ following on each of her social media profiles.

Dr. Sheeba Hamid

Sheeba Hamid is Professor in Tourism at Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh . She has teaching experience of more than twenty years . She has authored five books and published more than thirty five papers . She has organised Conferences , Workshops , Training Programmesand handled delegations.She is a keen traveller and is associated with a number of universities in various academic assignments.

Sameer Sortur
United Arab Emirates

Founder & CEO of SquareCircle Global, a global management consulting firm with HQ in Dubai (providing consultancy for Tech/IP Product Commercialization, Market Strategy & Enablement for Growth Stage tech companies), Sameer has angel invested in half a dozen startups. He has 20 years of experience in Technology, Strategy, Corporate Innovation, Business Development, International Markets Expansion across MEA, EU and US. He has been a Technology Advisor to select Fortune 500 companies, enterprises in the Oil & Energy, Aviation & Mobility, Government Services, Healthcare Sector and Education. He is passionate in building the age & gender agnostic next generation of tech entrepreneurs and believes that sustainable technology is the only answer to world’s biggest problems.

Dr. Sumanta Dutta

Assistant Professor
Post Graduate and Research Department of Commerce
St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata

Dr. Sandeep Kulshreshtha

Former Director – IITTM
Indian institute of Tourism and Travel Management
(An organization of Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India)

Deepak Kr. Khaitan

Deepak Kumar Khaitan is a Practising Company Secretary specialising in litigation. He is currently a Central Council Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He is the Past Chairman of the Eastern India Regional Council of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He is also a member of the Secretarial Standards Board. He is a Master Trainer in leadership, entrepreneurship and creativity management.

Dr. Krishnendu Sarkar

Chief Strategy & Impact, NSHM Knowledge Campus

Christof Nettekoven

Christof is a mountaineer and videographer. The time spent in Rocky Mountains at an early age is at the root of his passion for mountains that eventually lead him to climb all over the world, from the Alps in Europe to Alborz range in Iran to the Karakorum, Himalayas and further to the Andes in South America. His expedition clips have been telecast on Japanese FUJI TV and TV ASAHI. Along with his fellow climbers from the German Alpine Club, he has been part of many successful expeditions to unclimbed mountain peaks around the world.

R.K Suman

Deputy Director General, Ministry of Tourism
Government of India

Claus Andersen

Claus hails from Faaborg in Denmark and has been continuously on the road since 1987. His passion is cycling around the world, so when he is not travelling on work, he often sets off on his bicycle for a solo trip in new places and amidst unknown people. He has cycled thousands of kilometers in every corner of the globe. He believes cycling is more about mental health and less about physical strength. He also takes interest in football, art, movies, craft beer, hiking, gender equality and history and is often invited at various forums to speak about these issues.

Ms. Olga Mamonova

Russian Sociologist and Journalist, Olga is a Ph.D. in sociology from the Moscow State University, Russia (2002) and an M.Phil. in Sociology and Health Care from De Montfort University, UK (2004). She is a member of International and European Sociological Associations as well as the Russian Society of Sociologists. She has authored more than 60 scientific and popular science publications, including scientific monograph. For several years she worked in scientific journals as a scientific editor, before coming to market research (offline and online since 2012) and the tourism industry and is currently working with Baginet Sales and Marketing Agency.

Mr. Vijay Kumar Jhalani

Currently a practicing Advocate, Sri Jhalani was the Past Chairman of the Northern Indian Regional Council of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He has also been a Government nominated member in the Central Council of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and is serving his 2nd term as a Government nominated member in the Central Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Prof. Nawab Ali Khan

Chairman, Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh

Valentina Miskovska-Petrovich
Republic of Macedonia

Valentina has a keen interest in rural tourism and has been involved in promoting the rural areas of southwestern Macedonia, sorthwestern Greece and southern Albania in a cross border cooperation between the rural communities around Prespa Lake. She also has a small travel agency focusing on sustainable rural tourism, including eco tours, made to measure heritage tours, mountain biking and walking. She especially focuses on local traditional food, the 'garden to table' variety. She also promotes local produce and wine, and has been extensively writing for local travel magazines.

Tamar Valkenier
The Netherlands

Tamar, once a Michelin-star chef, a criminologist and psychologist, has been a full-time adventurer for the last six years, going from one expedition to the next. She cycled 12,000 kms through Europe, Australia and Indonesia, travelled the Altai mountains of Mongolia with her own horse, camel and dog, walked across Jordan with a donkey and hiked New Zealand’s mountains while foraging and hunting all her own food. She is a Qualified Wilderness Guide and Survival Instructor and takes people on expeditions in remote wilderness areas. Find more info at www.tamarvalkenier.com.

Dr. Paritosh Nandi

Dr. Paritosh Nandi is a Ph.D. in Solar Energy Engineering and a Certified Energy Manager and Certified Energy Auditor by the Ministry of Power, Government of India. He has authored several publications in Scientific Journals, Conference Proceedings and Technical Reports. He is also a reviewer of articles for international journals like 'Energy', 'Solar Energy', 'Journal of Cleaner Production', 'Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review' and 'Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy of American Institute of Physics'. He is the publisher and Editor of the magazine "Sustainable Energy Review".

Rupanjana De

A Practising Company Secretary and Qualified Lawyer with experience in diverse fields of industry starting from beverages to renewable energy, Ms De has expertise in Company Law, Corporate Governance, Corporate Sustainability, CSR and Quality Control. After winning two Gold Medals in Economics and Law, she pursued a triple Master Degree programme in Europe. She has authored 9 books on Law, CSR and sustainability and innumerable articles in national and international magazines. She is the Editor of internationally acclaimed Touriosity magazine since 2012. She is a Director on the Board of 11 companies and a renowned Social Worker. She also holds Honorary Advisory and Management positions in many schools, colleges and institutes.